Senior Magento Developer

Senior Magento Developer

Tariful pe oră: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate de a călători: La cerere

Statut profesional: Freelancer

Ultima actualizare: 11 Feb. 2025

Experiența totală de muncă:

Cunoștințe lingvistice: Engleză,

Performanță personală

Using the entire Magento system to develop eCommerce websites based on custom requirements received from the customer. Main technologies used: PHP, MySQL. My job consisted in: - creating custom modules from zero - updating and refactoring existing modules to improve code performance and add other functionalities on top - taking part in backend meetings to find solutions to existing problems - code reviewing branches from other colleagues - taking responsibility in some releases and making sure there's at least 1 backend developer to intervene if something goes wrong - writing documentations for every backend developed by me - creating analysis for future tasks to be developed

Cunoștințe lingvistice


Cunoștințe fluente