Web developer, Graphic design, Content moderation, Customer support email

Web developer, Graphic design, Content moderation, Customer support email

Tariful pe oră: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate de a călători: Europa

Statut profesional: Freelancer

Ultima actualizare: 30 Iul. 2022

Experiența totală de muncă:

Cunoștințe lingvistice: Engleză, Italiană, Spaniolă, Română,

Performanță personală

Hello, I'm a young guy looking into raising money to open my own business in the future. The freelance market is pretty new to me but I used to do different tasks here and there in the past so self workflow management will not be a problem for me. I am very confident with my skills and I hope I will get a change to prove it here. The tasks I can complete will include: - Customer experience/BPO (customer support, email, tickets) - Writing / Translations (Italian, English, Romanian, Spanish) - Photoshop / Illustrator/ CSS/ PHP/ Blender modelling - Content moderation (social media, etc.) - Website development - Maketing campaigns Hope to hear from you soon! Kindest regards, Marius.

Cunoștințe lingvistice


Cunoștințe fluente


Limbă nativă




Limbă nativă