java backend developer
Tariful pe oră: Doar pentru membri
Disponibilitate: Doar pentru membri
Disponibilitate de a călători: La cerere
Statut profesional: Freelancer
Ultima actualizare: 30 Sep. 2023
Experiența totală de muncă:
Cunoștințe lingvistice: Engleză, Franceză, Română,
Performanță personală
Highly motivated to learn, self-improve and eager to be part of a project that challenges me. Worked as a java developer for the past four and a half years. Problem-solving skills and a passion for code with a strong emphasis on best practices and code reusability. Always open to learn and work with new technologies and tackle interesting problems. Strong knowledge of design and previous experience in advertising.
Java5Cunoștințe lingvistice
Cunoștințe fluente
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