Software Developer
Tariful pe oră: Doar pentru membri
Disponibilitate: Doar pentru membri
Disponibilitate de a călători: La domiciliu
Statut profesional: Freelancer
Ultima actualizare: 2 Iul. 2023
Experiența totală de muncă: 10 ani
Cunoștințe lingvistice: Engleză,
Performanță personală
Software engineer with strong background of 10 years in document management and financial solutions. Participating in activities starting from manual testing, automation, server maintenance, and development. Strong technical background with over 7 years of experience, where data processing in Java is the primary subject. Certified Oracle Java Associate with experience in Spring and surrounding technologies, scripting languages, databases, and S.A.N. networks. For any additional information, don't hesitate to contact me for a full resume.
Java7 Managementul tehnic al calității / QS / QA10 SQL7 UNIX7 Bash (Shell)5 mySQL7 Oracle5 Sybase5 Spring5Certificate
Oracle Certified Associate Java 7
2016 România
Cunoștințe lingvistice
Cunoștințe fluente