Paid Ads Manager

Tariful pe oră: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate de a călători: La domiciliu

Statut profesional: Freelancer

Ultima actualizare: 22 Aug. 2023

Experiența totală de muncă:

Cunoștințe lingvistice: Engleză,

Performanță personală

I am a calm and friendly person and I enjoy getting to know new people and perspectives. I am a fast learner and I find it easy to solve new problems with the adequate research. I started studying and analyzing the e-commerce business model out of passion and naturally gravitated towards social media marketing. I have started various online shops and ran profitable campaigns by relying on online ads and content management strategies.



Cunoștințe lingvistice


Cunoștințe fluente