Front-End Web Developer

Front-End Web Developer

Tariful pe oră: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate de a călători: La domiciliu

Statut profesional: Freelancer

Ultima actualizare: 30 Mai. 2024

Experiența totală de muncă: 2 ani

Cunoștințe lingvistice: Română, Engleză,

Performanță personală

Hi there! I'm Radu Florin, a seasoned web developer with a background in education. Formerly an English teacher, I've transitioned into the world of front-end web development where I combine my passion for web applications and technology. What I Offer. As a freelancer, I provide bespoke web development services tailored to your needs. Whether it's building responsive websites from scratch, optimizing existing sites for performance or creating stunning visuals and layouts, I'm here to help. Technologies. HTML5 & CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Emmet, Photoshop, ChatGpt, Responsive Display. Whether you're an entrepreneur, small business owner, or agency seeking to enhance your online presence, let's connect! I'm ready to turn your ideas into reality and contribute to the success of your digital ventures. Check out my portfolio to see examples of my work and the projects.

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