Test Automation Engineer

Test Automation Engineer

Tariful pe oră: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate: Doar pentru membri

Disponibilitate de a călători: În România

Statut profesional: Freelancer

Ultima actualizare: 8 Mai. 2024

Experiența totală de muncă:

Cunoștințe lingvistice: Engleză, Română,

Performanță personală

I am very passionate about people, technology and IT. After I completed a Software Tester course I can declare myself a newbie in IT and I hope to expand my knowledge and skills in this domain as a Software tester. In the last couple of years, I worked as a salesman and after that, I was promoted to Store Manager which helped me build a strong working ethic and skills: organisational, leadership, teamwork and problem-solving.

Cunoștințe lingvistice




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