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Am găsit 41 freelanceri. pentru categoria Android
Editor video
Salut, sun un editor, copywriter si multe altele, da-mi posibilitatea de a te ajuta in ceea ce vrei sa faci,preturile sun foarte mici
Android 1
Android Kotlin Developer
Dezvolt aplicatii Android de 2 ani, fiind ceea ce imi place si ceea ce stiu sa fac mai bine. Am inceput sa invat singur si am ajuns la a avea un portofoliu personal cu 10+ proiecte personale (o parte...
Dezvoltare Android 2
Udrea Ovidiu
Hello, my name is Udrea Ovidiu. My goal is to work in a good company where I enhance my knowledge and my skill and show my talent. I want to get a very respectable position where I make my parents to...
Cyber Security Practitioner (CSP) 1 Jira 1 Microsoft Office 365 7 Microsoft Windows 7 Windows 10 7 Android 7 iOS 7 SAP - basic administration (BC) 7 IT service management (ITSM) 7 ServiceNow 4
C/C++ 5 React Native 1 JavaScript 1 HTML 1 Dezvoltare Android 3
Excel 10 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 12 Android 18
C#, Java, Android 2
Full Stack Developer
Experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Very skilled in ASP.NET Core, C#, Angular, DevExpress, PL/SQL, Android,...
.Net 8 PL/SQL 6 Angular 4 C# 8 ASP.NET 8 Dezvoltare Android 2 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 5 Java 3
Dezvoltator aplicații android
Cunosc tot ce este nou in dezvoltare aplicatii android Kotlin • Architecture Components (LiveData, ViewModel, Navigation) • MVVM, MVP • Coroutines (Threading) • Android Testing (Espresso &...
Kotlin 1 Dezvoltare Android 1
App Developper iOS, Android, Javascript
I deliver very good service in developing mobile applications. I develop iOS and Android applications, crossplatform and I am fluent in Javascript. We can collaborate easily and I communicate perfect...
JavaScript 7 iOS 9 Android 10 Crossplatform 5
Manager IT
Sunt programator de peste 20 de ani și în experiența mea am participat la numeroase proiecte privind proiectarea, realizarea și dezvoltarea aplicațiilor software complexe care funcționează într-o...