Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 102 freelanceri. pentru categoria Angular
.Net Developer
Dezvolt aplicatii web de 6 ani. Am lucrat cu toate versiunile de .Net (.Net Framewok, .Net Core, .Net). Am avut parte de diferite task-uri de a crea rest api, web api, blazor apps, MVC apps, Angular.
.Net 6 .Net Framework (Microsoft) 6 Microsoft Azure 3 SQL 6 Angular 4
Full Stack Developer
Sunt un dezvoltator cu o experiență de trei ani în .NET, Angular, React și Xamarin. In cardul repertoriului meu de abilitati se enumera aplicații Windows, aplicații cross-platform, aplicații mobile...
C# 2 Cloud 1 Angular 2 MongoDB 2 SQL 2 .Net 2
Software engineer & Graphic Designer
Desi sunt un full stack developer de doar 1 an, sunt capabila sa dezvolt feature-uri noi si sa fixez bug-uri intr-un mod rapid si eficient. Sunt o fire care invata si se adapteaza repede, de aceea...
C# 2 angular 1 Delphi 1 Adobe Photoshop 2 Figma 2 .Net 2 SQL 2 MATLAB / Simulink 3
Junior Developer
Passionate about technology, an adaptable and analytical thinker looking to be part of a team within I can use and improve my skills. My core values are respect and trust. I also enjoy building...
Python 1 HTML5 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1 JavaScript 1 jQuery 1 SQL 1 Java 1 Angular 1
Tech Lead
I can develop custom web applications both for private and public companies, simple or more complex enterprise grade. I can make projects from ground to completing it on time, by myself or with my...
Java 4 Angular 4 SQL 4
Full stack developer
Lucrez de peste 10 ani ca Full stack developer pe Web și backend. Am coordonat echipe de 2-3 developeri și mă pot adapta ușor oricărei cerințe.
Java 10 Spring 6 Angular 3 AngularJS 3 PostgreSQL 5 MongoDB 6 HTML 10 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 10 JavaScript 10 TypeScript 7
.NET Full stack Developer
Dezvolt aplicatii inca din perioada facultatii. Am 3 ani de experienta in domeniul muncii pe .NET. Dezvolt atat aplicatii web cat si aplicatii desktop
.Net Framework (Microsoft) 3 C# 3 SQL 3 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 1 Angular 3 ASP.NET 3
Frontend Developer & UI/UX Designer
Develop and making web and sofware application for our employees from bussnies field, thinking the flow for the application,designing and buliding them.
Angular 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 2 JavaScript 2 Figma 2 Adobe XD 2
Sunt elev la Colegiul National de Informatica "Tudor Vianu" si sunt olimpica la informatica si matematica, si imi place sa programez, aproape la fel de mult cum imi plac masinile!
c++ 6 c 6 .net 2 angular 1
Senior Web Developer
Almost eight years of experience in full-stack web development and system architecture. My experience with multiple projects provided me an out of the box and innovative thinking which improved my...
Typescript, Javascript, Angular, Node.JS 8