Baza de date
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Am găsit 499 freelanceri. pentru categoria Baza de date
Botond Lazar
Dezvolt aplicatii web, local si mobile de 6 ani in limbaje si frameworkurile de Microsoft (.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET 6, Xamarin, etc) folosind baze de date SQL si NOSQL. Am experianta de...
C# 6 C 1 C++ 1 JavaScript 6 SQL 6 Language Integrated Query (LINQ) 6 Python 2 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 6 PostgreSQL 1 .Net 6
Senior Full Stack Software Developer
Lucrez în IT pe sisteme complexe mission-critical de 12 ani, interesul meu principal este pentru dezvoltare de aplicații web și mobile folosind Java și TypeScript
Java 12 TypeScript 5 Python 3 C# 2 Angular 2 React 3 Bash (Shell) 12 SQL 12 Microsoft Azure 2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 2
Software Developer
I'm a very passionate developer in Javascript with vast experience in NodeJs and ReactJs, working with cloud services as AWS or GCP and I'm looking for a new job with new challenges. I want to think...
JavaScript 6 TypeScript 5 Node.js 5 React (JavaScript library) 5 SQL 6 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 6 HTML5 6 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 3 Google Cloud 3 React Native 2
Copywriting , translator și traducător
I am a experienced freelancer with relevant background in translation in English, Italian, Spanish , french, German and Romanian. I also have copywriting experience.
Microsoft Office 365 4 C++ 1 Java 2 Microsoft Access 3
Senior .Net Angular Developer
I am a Senior .NET Angular developer with 8+ years’ worth of experience in software development, only interested in remote work. I use my expertise, skills and passion to design and implement...
.Net 8 Angular 5 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 6 Microsoft Azure 4 PostgreSQL 3 MongoDB 2 Oracle 2
Sunt pasionat de electronica dar și de tehnologia informației deopotriva. Am lucrat in aceste domenii ca si angajat aproape 20 de ani. Vreau sa împart și de ce nu sa valorific experienta acumulata in...
Electronică 3 Administrare sistem 9 Administrarea bazelor de date 3 Informatică 5
Business Analyst
Sunt o persoana atenta la detalii, proactiva, determinata si responsabila. Pasiunea mea este cercetarea (atat cantitativa, cat si calitativa). Am finalizat in cadrul facultatii si modulul de...
SQL 3 Training - competențe de coaching 2 Confluence (Atlassian) 3 IBM SPSS Statistics 5 Microsoft Office 365 10 Analiza datelor 3
Manager de proiect, Sales, Java junior
In luna mai (2024) voi termina cursul de Java developer făcut la SDA si sunt interesat sa lucrez in domeniu ca și junior. Știu să fac un mic website de comerț folosind tot ceea ce am învățat la curs....
Java 1 Hibernate (Java) 1 Spring 1 HTML5 1 Angular 1 PostgreSQL 1 JavaScript 1 vanzator 30 Sales 30 Marketing 11
I am a Cloud Architect with a passion for the latest technologies out there and really interested in Cloud technologies (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure Cloud). I love to try out things as soon as they hit...
DevOps 10 Python 10 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 8 Microsoft Azure 5 Google Cloud 2 Bash (Shell) 15 Go (programming language) 1 Cloud computing 8 Cloud 8 SQL 15
Frontend Developer
I am a goal-oriented, highly driven, and innovative optimized solution seeker who is able to concentrate in order to get excellent results.I am looking for a job that will push my development and...
React (JavaScript library) 4 JavaScript 4 TypeScript 3 Node.js 3 Redux 4 MongoDB 2 React Native 2 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 2 Microsoft Azure 2