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Am găsit 464 freelanceri. pentru categoria C#
Marc Gabriel Florin
Ca si abilitati dobandite de mine in decursul acestori ani sunt: dorinta de a invata si a decoperii lucruri noi, harnic prin ducerea la indeplinire a unor task-uri indiferent de dificultati pe care...
Python 4 Java 2 Web development 1 C++ 2
I am a new freelancer in this field. I learn quickly and have advantageous skills. I can adapt to any situation.
OpenCanvas 1 Microsoft Office 365 3 C# 1
Full stack dev
Full stack developer working with .Net c#. Very good experience with databases using sql server, elasticsearch, ssis, hubspot Also designed some WordPress websites.
C#, Sql server, elasticsearch, jquery 10
Web developer
Lucrez în domeniul dezvoltării aplicațiilor web de aproape 10 ani din care aproape 9 ani în cadrul aceleași companii.
C# 9 ASP.NET 9
Design verification + Python scripts + any other stuff that i can do
Am experienta pe C++, python , uvm , verilog , de 5 ani +
C++ , python , scypting 5 uvm 3 design verification 3
Frontend Developer
Acest profil este creat cu scopul de acumulare al experinței
React (JavaScript library) 1 JavaScript 2 HTML5 4 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 4 C++ 1 C# 1
Chis David
Sunt absolvent al facultatii de Automatica si Calculatoare, sectia de Calculatoare si Tehnologia Informatiei din cadrul Universitatii Tehnice din Cluj Napoca, si dezvolt software in general pe partea...
Java , React, Spring, C#, .Net , Entity Framework, JS TS 3
Manager de IT
Sunt studenta la facutatea de informatica. Ma ocup cu crearea site urilor si a designului pentru firme.
css si html 1 c++ 3 Analiza de marketing / distribuție 1 design 2
IT engineer
In addition to my programming experience and my engineering expertise, I have worked on several projects of multiple sizes and complexity levels during my career.
Python 5 C++ 5 C 5 Linux (Kernel) 4
Junior Python/Ansible/Flask engineer
I am a hard-working, willing to learn and strive to be the best in my field type of person. I would like to work in projects that bring out a lot of imagination, and I enjoy bringing a product to an...
Flask 1 Python 1 Ansible 1 C++ 1 C 1