Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 654 freelanceri. pentru categoria Design
Salut , sunt un pasionat de Graphic Design si un cunoscator de Photoshop/Ilustrator/After Effect
Design grafic 4 Design 4 Animație pe calculator / animație 3D 1
Design Graphic
Realizez desene grafice de 2 ani. Diferite stiluri și animații.
Design grafic 2
Andra Niculescu
I am a graduate of the Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design Engineering at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. I am currently looking for an job opportunity. I chose to pursue a...
Business Change Manager 3 Consulting 3 Product Designer 5
Dezvolt webdesign de 4 ani, mă axez pe creativitate
designer, informatician 5
Graphic Designer
Ofer servicii web de 5 ani, mentenanta website-uri, prelucrez materiale pentru print,web , social media posts, layouturi
Graphic Design, Photoshop, Illustrator, Wordpress 4
Icons design 10
Marketing de gherilă 10 Marketing social media 10 Fotografie / Design foto 5 Cameraman 5 Adobe After Effects 5 Adobe Photoshop 5 Premiere Pro 5 Adobe Illustrator 5
SEO 5 User Experience (UX) 5 Copywriter 13 Design editorial 6 Project management (IT) 10 Wordpress 4 Administrarea bazelor de date 4 Ediția Social Media 13 Marketing social media 10 Testing (IT) 4
Design grafic 13 Web design 10 Traducere 15
SEO / SEM 5 Tehnician de laborator 4 Programare 1 Operator VTR 1 Operator de imagine 2 Operator de sunet la radio 4 Marketing online 6 Adobe Photoshop 6 Design media 6