Dezvoltare / inginerie hardware
Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 15 freelanceri. pentru categoria Dezvoltare / inginerie hardware
JavaScript 3 PHP 3 React (JavaScript library) 2 Linux încorporat 2 C++ 5 mySQL 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 Adobe Photoshop 5 Adobe Illustrator 2
Support Engineer
IT Support Engineer si IT Specialist, ma axez pe supportul user-ului si integrari API pentru magazinele online care doresc serviciile Packeta pe tot continetul european.
Python 1 Dezvoltare hardware 2 Telecomunicații / rețele 1 Calitatea software-ului 1
Dezvoltare Agile 4 Internet of Things (IoT) 2 Telecomunicații / rețele 8 Telnet (Telecommunication Network) 8 SCRUM 5 ITIL 4 Linux încorporat 2 Cisco 4 Microsoft Power BI 1
Dropshipping | YouTube Content Creator | Video & Writing Editor
Heya! I'm a Developer with passion and experience in Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, Affiliate Marketing, Video Editing, Photo Design, Advertising, Copywriting, Ecommerce, and Social Media...
Digital Content Creator 4 Inginerie informatică 4 Shopify 2 YouTube 1
Ofer support tehnic angajatilor telefonic, cu privire la structurile IT ———————————!:!:!:€&:&;!:&:&:!;!,!&:&;!;€;!,€,&:&,&!,!:8;&,!;€;&&;;€,€€,,€€;€,€;€;€,€;€;€
Dezvoltare hardware 1
Software Tester on automative
The main method of testing in auto. Ați e is the black box method. Testing Navigation and System of automative Software, create test cases for the new features and see the applicativity. Defin the...
Python 1 Jira 1 Testing (IT) 1 Linux încorporat 1
Desenator Autocad/programator eclipse IDE
Am terminat liceu cu profil mate-info si acum urmez studiile la Universitatea Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" Iasi pe profilul Inginerie Electrica, fiind pasionat de tot ce inseamana electronica, automatizari,...
Autodesk AutoCAD 1 Microsoft Office 365 4 Eclipse 1 Windows 10 3 Linux încorporat 1 Automatizare oriunde 1 C 1 C++ 4
Dezvoltare hardware 1
Proiectare HW & SW Embedded
Ma ocup de aplicatii Hardware si Software sisteme bazate pe microcontrolere de orice tip de peste 20 ani. Am experienta in metering (masurarea energiei electrice), contoare si sisteme inteligente de...
Delphi 25 Microcontroler 25 Atmel Microchip Technology 25 Firmware 25
Specialist SEO, Copywriter, Coding_JavaScript, HTML
Hi guys, I'm a developer with experience in creating websites for small and medium businesses. Whether you're looking to get a project off the ground, list your services, or establish a new online...
JavaScript 2 Copywriter 2 Dezvoltare hardware 3 Desig de produs 1 Design de logo 2
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