Dezvoltare software / programare
Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 1.280 freelanceri. pentru categoria Dezvoltare software / programare
Specialist prelucrare date
Sunt o persoana responsabila, ma adaptez usor la conditiile de munca, imi place sa invat mereu lucruri noi
SQL 1 Python 1 Excel 10 SAP BPO 5 Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 5 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 3 Testing (IT) 2
Programator Software C#
Dezvolt aplicatii de tip business de aproximativ 2 ani, in special aplicatii administrative si construite in jurul bazelor de date.
C# 1 .Net Framework (Microsoft) 1 .Net 1
Manager protected IT
Buna ziua ! Ma nunesc Gavrila Razvan Ionut. Sunt student la facultatea de Robotica din Brasov. Este pentru ptima data cand incerc jobul de freelancer dar sunt dispus sa invat. Sunt o fire sociabila ...
Java 1 C++ 4
Rescriere texte in diferite limbi
Nu am experiența momentan As dori sa învăț lucruri noi Pentru început pot lucra și fără plata
Java 1
Inginer Electronist
E un fck cont experimental E un fck cont experimental E un fck cont experimental E un fck cont experimental E un fck cont experimental E un fck cont experimental E un fck cont experimental E un fck...
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1
Python, c++
I am a tester a present, I work with python in linux, in high school and college I worked a lot with c++. During college I also focused on the robotics side doing personal projects.
Python 1
Programator C#
Persoana dedicata si responsabila in cautare de noi provocari.
SQL 5 .Net Framework (Mircosoft) 5 XML 5 Dezvoltare back-end 5 Contabilitate 5 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 5
Graduated from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca with a bachelor degree in Applied Informatics and master degree in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, looking for new challenges which are...
Java 4 Angular 3 TypeScript 3 HTML 3 React (bibliotecă JavaScript) 1 Spring 5
Lucian Cernea
lorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsum
SQL 10 PL/SQL 10 Transact-SQL (T-SQL) 10 Java 5 JavaScript 10 Linux (Kernel) 5 UNIX 5 Windows Server 2016 2 .Net Framework (Mircosoft) 2
Java 2 React (JavaScript library) 2 JavaScript 2
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