Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 452 freelanceri. pentru categoria HTML
Web Developer
Dezvoltare CRM personalizate, integrare payment gateaway API, dezvoltare pagini dinamice web, UI/UX modern, dezvoltare soft medical, experienta peste 15 ani atat in front cat si in back-end
Referințe verificate: 1
Web and Graphic designer
Alaturi de clienti pas cu pas in construirea imaginii online si le ofer experienta mea in design, consultanta in marketing privind impactul in piata si asteptarile consumatorilor, factorul de...
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, HTML, CSS 9
PHP Web developer
Am dezvolat aplicatii web mai multi ani. Momentan creez cursuri de programare pentru copii si adulti dar am nevoie de proiecte in plus pentru a-mi sustine procesul de dezvoltare al cursurilor.
PHP 15 HTML 15 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 15 C++ 10 JavaScript 8 React 1 camtasia 8 PowerPoint 17 Microsoft Word 17
Junior Front End Developer
Sunt un Junior Front End Developer cu niste cunostinte bune in domeniu si cu o ambitie foarte mare. Stiu ca pentru orice problema exista o solutie si imi place sa o gasesc in timp util. Consider ca...
HTML 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1 JavaScript 1 React (JavaScript library) 1 tailwind css 1
Web designer, IT, Tehnologia Informatiei
Dezvolt site-uri web, folosind limbaj HTML5, CSS și JavaScript, am obținut diploma și medalie de argint la olimpiada națională de tehnologia informației 2024- clasa a9a
HTML 1 HTML5 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1 C++ 1
Over a span of two years, I've cultivated a robust portfolio as a freelance programmer, focusing on Java and C++ development. Throughout this tenure, I've meticulously honed a diverse array of...
Java 2 Autodesk AutoCAD 4 C++ 4 Python 2 HTML 6 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 2 CATIA 2 C 1 Adobe Photoshop 4 Unity3D 2
Full-Stack Developer
I am a Web developer who exceptionally values customer satisfaction. I've been working on Web technologies extensively for recent 5+ years including PHP frameworks such as Laravel and CodeIgniter,...
Html, Css, JavaScript, React, NodeJS, MongoDB 7
Programator PHP
I am a PHP Web developer, having 7+ years of experience in creating and maintaining web applications and web sites. About my skills: ✔️ Web Design Skills: • HTML, CSS & Javascript/jQuery •...
PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery 9 WordPress, Opencart, Prestashop 7 Symfony, Pimcore, Docker, TDD 1 Design Principles and Patterns, SOLID Principles 1 Code Clean Architecture, PHP Standard Recommendations (PSR) 1 Jira, Git, Composer 5
Web Designer
I am a Economic Informatics student and recently completed an accredited Front-End Developer course, where I gained knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I am eager to learn new things, determined...
HTML, CSS, JavaScript 1
QA Engineer, QA Manual, QA Tester
I'm Denis, I've been working as a QA Engineer for 3 years, I've gained a lot of experience in testing, management, support, development during these years of work and I want to expand my knowledge...
Quality management / QS / QA (IT) 3 HTML 1 CSS 1 JavaScript 1 Testing (IT) 3 PHP 1 Git 1 Jira 3 Selenium 1 Managementul tehnic al calității / QS / QA 2