Business Intelligence (BI)

Angajează cei mai buni experți freelancer care au experiență și calificare Business Intelligence (BI) și care te vor ajuta să implementezi proiectele tale la timp. Externalizați serviciile și alegeți un freelancer cu experiență relevantă.

Rezultatele căutării

Am găsit 13 freelanceri. pentru categoria Business Intelligence (BI)

Business Analyst, PR & Marketing

say I have a deep passion for the field of Sales, Marketing and Finance. The last 3 years have been driven by collaborations with reputable clients such as Crossover, Meta, TVGH Group and a lot of...

Amsterdam, North Holland, Olanda

Business-to-business (B2B) 7 Business-to-Consumer (B2C) 8 Business Intelligence (BI) 3 Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) 2 Marketing Direct 3 Marketing online 4 Pregătirea retorică 2 Predare la liceu 1 Marketing de conținut 3 Marketing clasic 3

Project Manager

Dedicated Project Manager for more than 6 months with a base as Implementation engineer with over 4 years experience in leading multiple projects. Working closely with Product, Development and Change...

Iasi, România

Project management (IT) 1 Implementarea managementului de proiect 4 SQL 5 XML 1 Jira 5 ServiceNow 1 Business Intelligence (BI) 1

SQL Developer / BI Consultant/ Reporting and Business Analyst

I highly motivated to start my freelancing journey in using my rich experience in SQL development, Business Analysis and Digital Advertising. I have over 15 years of experience working for leading...

Bacau, România

SQL 8 Microsoft Excel 15 Business Intelligence (BI) 6 Microsoft Dynamics CRM 6 Microsoft Power BI 2 Qlik Sense 7 QlikView 7

Bucureşti 15, România

SQL 8 Business Intelligence (BI) 8 Datawarehouse / DWH 8

Analist date

Am acumulat experiență semnificativă în analiza datelor, atât prin elaborarea tezei de doctorat și a lucrării de disertație, cât și în rolul meu de consultant pentru diverse proiecte. Am utilizat o...

Cluj-Napoca, România

IBM SPSS Statistics 5 R (programming language) 1 Microsoft Business Intelligence (BI) 1

Project/Program Manager | Business Analyst | CTO | CSO

Cristian is extremely committed, determined and devotee, with extensive knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Business Intelligence (B.I.) Analysis, Project Management, Financial Management,...

Chiajna, România

Project management (IT) 15 Business Intelligence (BI) 10

Business Developer in QlikSense

Proficient in utilizing business intelligence tools and technologies, including Qlik Sense, to extract valuable insights from complex datasets. My strongest skill is creativity, being able to...

Bucharest, România

Qlik Sense 2 Python 1 Business Intelligence (BI) 2 Java 1 SQL 1 Design de brand 1

Solution consultant / relationship manager / project manager

With a robust background navigating the dynamic landscape of SaaS organizations, I've played pivotal roles in steering customer-centric strategies and driving revenue growth. From guiding European...

Bucureşti 15, România

Salesforce 5 Microsoft Azure 3 SAAS 7 Oracle ERP 1 Oracle HCM 1 Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) 2 Dezvoltare Agile 2

Data Scientist

Dedicated, hard working individual with the intercommunicationskills to work at many levels of the organization. Successful in meeting new technical challenges and findingsolutions to meet the needs...

Bucuresti, România

SQL 4 Python 3 Microsoft Power BI 1 Statistici 1 Raportare 2 Machine Learning 1 Business Intelligence (BI) 1

Planning specialist and BI developer

Asistenta pe partea de planning in industria textila si a cartonului ondulat timp de 7 ani. Microsoft office; Excel; Excel BI; Power pivot; Power BI.

Bucureşti 15, România

Production planning 7 Business Intelligence (BI) 1