Linux (Kernel)
Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 29 freelanceri. pentru categoria Linux (Kernel)
.Net Framework (Microsoft) 20 Visual Basic 21 Kotlin 1 C# 8 PHP 6 mySQL 15 MSSQL 10 PostgreSQL 2 Java 3 Linux (Kernel) 10
Automation engineer / System Administrator
Lucrez din 2014 , incepand ca System Administrator in cadrul companiei SpamExperts ( acum N-able ) unde m-am ocupat de monitorizarea a peste 1500 de servere linux si de automatizarea sistemului de...
Administrare sistem 10 Bash (Shell) 10 Python 10 Implementare Linux 10 Linux (Kernel) 10 mySQL 4 Quality management / QS / QA (IT) 5 Automatizarea testelor 5 Analiza erorilor 5
CS Engineer
I'm currently working with technologies such as DNS, DMARC, SPF, DKIM, and BIMI. My goal is to help you fully secure your company's domains from phishing, spoofing, and brand hijacking. Offering a...
DNS 1 Python 1 Linux (Kernel) 1 Cyber Security Practitioner (CSP) 2 JavaScript 1 Administrarea rețelei 2 Administrare sistem 1
Middleware engineer
Configurez si ofer support pentru servere de aplicatii de peste 4 ani. Am interactionat de-a lungul timpului si cu servere de baze de date. De 2 ani de zile construiesc imagini docker si le deployez...
Apache Tomcat 3 jboss 2 Oracle WebLogic Server 3 IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 2 WebSphere MQ 2 Linux (Kernel) 8 Kubernetes 2 Docker 2
SW Engineer
Ajut companii si start-up-uri sa porneasca proiecte, ajutand la brind-up-ul placilor hardware, fie ca e vorba de Linux, RTOS sau baremetal.
C 14 C++ 7 Python 5 Microcontroler 15 Automotive functional safety expert (AFSE) 3 Dezvoltare Linux 7 Linux (Kernel) 3 Tehnologia senzorilor 8 Cloud 4 RTSP (RealTime Streaming Protocol) 2
Python Programmer
Hello!!! I am a beginner programmer and I am looking for opportunities / projects to develop my knowledge. I just finished a python class, now I work as a QA tester ... I don't need money but I need...
Kubernetes 1 Python 1 Linux (Kernel) 1
Lucian Cernea
lorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsumlorem ipsum
SQL 10 PL/SQL 10 Transact-SQL (T-SQL) 10 Java 5 JavaScript 10 Linux (Kernel) 5 UNIX 5 Windows Server 2016 2 .Net Framework (Mircosoft) 2
Spring 5 Java 5 Angular 4 React Native 1 Linux (Kernel) 2
C, 5 MATLAB / Simulink 4 Enterprise Architect (EA) 3 CANoe 4 AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) 4 Python 3 Linux (Kernel) 1 Scripting 3