Project management (IT)
Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 116 freelanceri. pentru categoria Project management (IT)
Commercial Project Manager
With more than 10 years of experience of working in SAP, I have the ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and to manage multiple priorities simultaneously. Exceptional...
Microsoft Office 365 20 Enterprise project management (EPM) 5 SAP CRM 12
Solution Architect
I'm a seasoned developer and passionate team manager. I love to bring projects to market and deliver quality, while increasing the overall level of skill within my teams.
C# 11 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 10 ASP.NET 9 Project management (IT) 8 Project- / team leading (IT) 8 Enterprise Architect (EA) 7 Microsoft Azure 5 mySQL 7 PHP 3 Apache Subversion (SVN) 5
Customer Experience Senior Manager
Lucrez de peste 7 ani in domeniul serviciilor cu clientii, in speta partea de control al calitatii acestor servicii, conducand diferite echipe si imbunatatind procese atat pentru echipa, cat si...
Project management (IT) 3 Quality Control 5 Leadership 5 Customer Service 7
Project manager IT
With over 15 years of intensive experience in process engineering, process improvement, program management, and project management (both Waterfall and Agile methodologies), I bring a wealth of...
Project management (IT) 15 Training în management 2 Managementul multi-proiectelor 15 Dezvoltare Agile 4 Jira 5 Human Capital Management (HCM) 4
Specialist ITSM (IT Service Management)
Manager rezistent, dinamic, experimentat și dedicat, responsabil să asigure funcțiile de management al proceselor ITIL și livrarea managementului serviciilor, cu un istoric demonstrat de lucru în...
ITIL 9 SCRUM 5 IT service management (ITSM) 9 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 9 Project management (IT) 3 Gestionarea incidentelor 5 Service-level-management (SLA) 3
Process improvement expert - Expert imbunatatire procese
Sunt Andrei și sunt pregătit pentru vorbe puține și fapte multe!💡 Elimin Risipe - Rezolv Probleme - Generez Idei ✅De ce un parteneriat cu Andrei - AMIL? 1. Risipele și pierderile din procesele...
Imbunatatire si optimizare procese 14 Training 12 Managementul Lean 14 SCRUM 5 Agile 5 Rezolvare structurata probleme 14 Eliminare risipe 14 Generare idei 14 Process management 14 Project management 14
Product Development Engineer
I am a certified product engineer with 4+ years of experience in product development. My role is to align design requirements and technical manufacturing constraints in order to obtain the desired...
Product development 4 Project management 2 Product management 2 SolidWorks 3 CATIA 5 Technical Lead 2 Manufacturing Process 5 2D-CAD 5 3D-CAD 5 Technical Expertise 4
IT Project Manager / Team lead
Having a more than 20 years of experience in delivering IT development services in international and multicultural environments Canada, Germany, UK, Romania , with a strong technical background and...
Java 15 Spring 8 RDB / RDBMS 20 MongoDB 3 Dezvoltare Agile 10 SCRUM 10 Project management (IT) 5 Leader de proiect / echipă 5 Hibernate (Framework) 8 Representational State Transfer (REST) 6
Virtual Assistant, Project Manager, Video Editor
Proactive and dedicated professional with experience in providing administrative and technical support to both clients and partners. Competent in monitoring workflow and projects, implementing quick...
Project management 2 Asistent administrativ 12
Senior Creative Writer
Sunt marketing copywriter de 5 ani cu o pasiune pentru scris si interes in oportunitati care imi permit sa fac ceea ce imi place. Am scris articole cu focus pe coworking si commercial real estate,...
Copywriter 5 SEO / SEM 3 UX Designer 1 UI Designer 1 Marketing de conținut 5 Marketing 5 Business-to-business (B2B) 5 SCRUM 2 Dezvoltare Agile 2 Project management (IT) 2