Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL)
Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 37 freelanceri. pentru categoria Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL)
SQL 15 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 15
Software Developer
Programmer in the banking department, experienced in PL/SQL language but have extensive knowledge in different programming languages like Python, R Studio, MSSQL. The bachelor's and master's...
SQL 4 R (programming language) 3 PL/SQL 4 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 1
Product Manager / Scrum Master
An open-minded, reliable and caring project manager and product manager with extensive experience in RPA, IT Automation, Cloud, Office Productivity Software, Data Import, Data Transformation, Data...
SCRUM 7 UiPath 3 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 1 Microsoft Azure 2 Google Cloud 1 Project management (IT) 10 Microsoft Office 365 2 Active Directory 1 Microsoft SharePoint Server 1 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 10
I am a master's graduate student in the professional program of Complex Data Analysis at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. Besides actively working as a Configuration Management Analyst at...
Excel 5 Wix 3 Microsoft Office 365 6 Microsoft Power BI 2 Microsoft Exchange 2 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 2 Prezi 3 Jasp 3 Training de prezentare 3 Prezentare 5
Technical Engineer
Hello! I am a person who tries to develop his skills constantly, that's why I like to know as many areas of activity as possible. I was educated in an artistic environment that I consider to have...
Matematică 7 Management de birou / secretariat 2 Managementul vânzărilor 2 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 3
Cosmin Cojocaru
Finance Analyst with over 4 years of successful experience in analytics and reporting. Recognised consistently for performance excellence and contributions to success in Finance industry. Strengths...
Python 2 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 2 C++ 2 VBA 1
.NET Developer
Dezvolt aplicații web in limbajul de programare C#.
C# 3 HTML 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 JavaScript 3 .Net Framework (Microsoft) 3 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 3
IT Engineer
Ofer consultanta in domeniul IT de 6 ani constant in instalari de windows/windows server, lucrez cu Active directory, SCCM, depanari erori software sau hardware.
Consultanță IT 4 SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) 4 Microsoft Windows 5 Microsoft Office 365 4 Vmware 2 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 2 Active Directory 4
Senior .Net developer
Dezvolt de mai mult de 10 ani aplicatii .net de orice fel, windows, webforms, .net core, mvc
Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL), .NET 9 .Net 9
Database Administrator
Am intrat in contact cu limbajul SQL inca din perioada adolescentei, de la liceu mai exact. M-a prins de mic si asa am ajuns sa castig bani din ceea ce am invatat in ultimii 10 ani. Ma consider genul...
SQL 5 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 3 Transact-SQL (T-SQL) 3 Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 3 Consultanță ERP 3 Administrarea serverului 3 Windows Server 2016 3 Business-to-business (B2B) 1