
Rezultatele căutării

Am găsit 343 freelanceri. pentru categoria Python

Scriitor, IT mediu

Sunt un începător pasionat de IT, ma pricep la scriere. Cu abilități în programare și o dorință de a învăța mereu, îmi place să explorez lumea tehnologiei și să transmit informații complexe într-un...

Gaesti, România

Python 1

Programator si Data Modeler

Student la Automatica si Calculatoare, programator de aproape 4 ani, doresc sa capat experienta pentru a aplica pentru un job concret. Sunt deschis la orice oportunitati si ma dedic la orice lucru.

Iasi, România

C++ 6 Python 2 Mathematica 12 C 3 Electronică 2 SQL 1

Business Developer in QlikSense

Proficient in utilizing business intelligence tools and technologies, including Qlik Sense, to extract valuable insights from complex datasets. My strongest skill is creativity, being able to...

Bucharest, România

Qlik Sense 2 Python 1 Business Intelligence (BI) 2 Java 1 SQL 1 Design de brand 1

Specialist It -Java

Senior Java developer with almost 10 years experience en development of software and independent deep dive into the existent code .base. Development of new features from planning stage up to...

Bucureşti 15, România

Java 8 Spring 6 Swing (Java) 6 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 6 Python 2 Apache Maven 5 MongoDB 6 Jenkins 6 Git 6 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 6

Web Designer

Experienta si interes pentru munca, performez calitativ si rapid. Sunt bucuros să iau în considerare orice proiect.

Vaslui, România

Adobe Photoshop 10 Python 1 Adobe Illustrator 3

Working Student in Software System Testing & Test Automation

My name is Adrian ( I prefer to be called Adi ). I am a very creative, energetic, honest, motivated and organized person and I like to be involved in various projects and activities.

Cluj-Napoca, România

Microsoft Office 365 10 C++ 5 C 3 Python 1 Autodesk AutoCAD 2 Microsoft Power BI 1 SAP - basic administration (BC) 1

Software developer

I am a software developer with 6+ years of experience in developing applications in c/c++, python and go. I am also a teaching assistant at the university politehnica of bucharest.

Bucuresti, România

C 6 C++ 6 Python 3 Go (programming language) 1

IT Programmer

Backend + Frontend dev Almost 5 years in C++ & Python. Developing Websites, discord bots and much more! Personal dev (Fast & good services)

Salonta, România

C++ 5 Python 2 HTML 5 JavaScript 1

3D design, IT Developer , Project Lead/Manager

I am a Senior Software Engineer/Consultant, Team Lead/Manager with over 10 years of experience in software development. Excited to help clients around the world implement the software solutions they...

Deva, România
Experiență verificată: 1
Referințe verificate: 1

C++ 5 C# 6 Java 4 Python 8 Laravel 5 3D-CAD 9 Autodesk 8 SolidWorks 6

Software Tester on automative

The main method of testing in auto. Ați e is the black box method. Testing Navigation and System of automative Software, create test cases for the new features and see the applicativity. Defin the...

Bucharest, România

Python 1 Jira 1 Testing (IT) 1 Linux încorporat 1