React (JavaScript library)
Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 167 freelanceri. pentru categoria React (JavaScript library)
Software Engineer
Ca absolvent de Informatică, mă specializez în programarea sistemelor integrate, dezvoltare web și de aplicații mobile. Pasionat de tehnologie și inovație, caut să transform ideile în realități...
React (JavaScript library) 2 React Native 2 C++ 2 C 2 Python 1
Dezvoltator aplicatii mobile si web
Lucrez cu dezvoltarea de aplicații mobile și web de peste 5 ani. Accentul principal este întotdeauna pe produs, îmi place să particip și la procesul de dezvoltare a produsului. Scopul meu este să...
React (JavaScript library) 4 React Native 3 JavaScript 5 Node.js 2
Giorgian Vatra
Experienced in ServiceNow development and passionate about front-end development using JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, and React. Skilled in translating complex requirements into efficient code,...
JavaScript 2 ServiceNow 1 React (JavaScript library) 1 HTML5 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 tailwind 1 AngularJS 1
Student la Automatică și Calculatoare
Numele meu este Toni și sunt student în cadrul Facultății de Automatică și Calculatoare din București. Sunt o persoană pasionată de Informatică și de Tehnologie, acest lucru aducându-mă în sfera Web...
React (JavaScript library) 2 HTML, CSS, SCSS 4 JavaScript 2 Matlab 1 C 2 C++ 6
React.js developer
I am an independent developer with a strong sense of responsibility and proactiveness. You can trust me to consistently deliver on assigned tasks. I excel in communication and prioritize...
Javascript 5 React (JavaScript library) 4 TypeScript 3 React Native 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 5 HTML 5 SCSS 4 LESS 3 Bootstrap 3 Ant Design 3
Senior Software developer
Thank you for taking your valuable time! ✅ Website Development ✔️Responsive Web Development - HTML5/PHP/CSS/Bootstrap/JS ✔️JavaScript Frameworks: (jQuery,react.js, vue.js, angular.js, node.js,...
React 4 React (JavaScript library) 4 React Native 4 AngularJS 3 PHP 3 LabView 3 JavaScript 3 HTML 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 Android 3 iOS 3
Software Developer
I am passionate about developing web projects and constantly dedicated to learning and exploring the .Net framework, C# language, and relational databases. Always on the lookout for opportunities to...
C# 4 HTML 4 SQL 6 Javascript 4 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 4 React (JavaScript library) 2 .Net Framework (Microsoft) 4 TypeScript 2 PowerShell 1 XML 6
Web Developer | Freelance & Open to Full-Time Opportunities
As a web developer, I have been creating and maintaining websites and e-commerce platforms for various clients, using WordPress, WoooCommerce, Prestashop, and other technologies. I have also been...
PHP, Wordpress, WooCommerce, Prestashop 3 React (JavaScript library) 1 mySQL 3 SEO / SEM 1
Software Developer
Courteous and enthusiastic, I am interested in IT and everything in its orbit. Dedicated and highly motivated with a passion for problem-solving and a solid foundation in software...
JavaScript 3 React (JavaScript library) 2 React Native 1 Node.js 3 MongoDB 2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 TypeScript 1 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 1 Docker 1
Raul Carlos Petru Petruța
I started learning Web development some time ago late in the night when I waited for Windows to be installed on my laptop. Since then, I have tried to improve myself and now I am proud to live my...
React (JavaScript library) 4 Angular 2 HTML 4 HTML5 4 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 4 JavaScript 4 Git 4 Dezvoltare Agile 4