Rezultatele căutării

Am găsit 332 freelanceri. pentru categoria SQL

IT specialist/ data analysis and sql based

Senior Support Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry mostly in support engineering. Skilled in Oracle Products(EBS Order Management,...

Bucharest, România

SQL 5 ANSYS (ANalysis SYStem) 5 Oracle 5

Hermanovski Laszlo

Folosind creativitatea si capacitatea analitica gasesc solutii la probleme de optimizare a proceselor.

Corunca, România

SQL 1 Python 1

Junior QA Tester

I am a QA Junior, I finished a QA course at Software Development Academy (I am in a professional retraining), and I would like to learn more about testing, I have basic knowledge of SQL, Intellij...

Cluj-Napoca, România

Jira, TestRail, Sql, Intellij IDEA, Selenium 1

Business Analyst

EN: I started out in the marketing online suvey industry ,from online questionnaire testing to software testing for medical solutions following a career change, and the role of software tester in...

Brașov, România

Testing (IT) 7 Business Analysis 2 Jira 4 Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2 Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 1 Test design (IT) 4

Data/Business Analyst

Data analyst (former Economist) with strong technical skills (Excel VBA Advanced and Microsoft Suite, SQL language, Python and PHP(beginner)) ready to meet the challenges of new data management...

Chiajna, România

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) 3 SQL 2 Microsoft Power BI 2 PHP 1 Python 1 Vue.js 1 Node.js 1 JavaScript 1

IT Audit

I am a systems analyst with experience in Web Development with Java, IT infrastructure using Linux, Business Intelligence for Legal Data and SQL development for many industries such as Education,...

Curitiba, Brazilia

Python 1 Java 1 Linux 1 Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) 3 SQL 2

Software Engineer

I am passionate about bringing people together using data, technology & experiences in both sports & finance to create better outcomes: people growth, revenue growth, cost savings & operational...

Piatra Neamt, România

SharePoint Online, Linux, SQL, ServiceNow 3

Full stack developer

I'm a person who wants to learn new things, to interact with new people and to do something remarkable for the whole world. I like to communicate with other persons, increase my knowledge and help...

Valenii De Munte, România

C# 5 JavaScript 5 SQL 5 Python 1 UiPath 2 Angular 2 TypeScript 2 Jasmine 2 .Net 3

Front end developer

Ma ocup de dezvoltarea site-urilor web de 3 ani. Iar de un an de zile lucrez si pe partea de back-end. Dezvolt aplicatii web precum magazine online, site-uri de prezentare, aplicatii web pentru PC,...

Alexandria, România

HTML 3 CSS 3 Js 2 SQL 2 PHP 2 jQuery 3 Adobe XD 3 Adobe Photoshop 3 WordPress 3

.NET Developer

Dezvolt aplicații web in limbajul de programare C#.

Bistriţa, România

C# 3 HTML 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 JavaScript 3 .Net Framework (Microsoft) 3 Microsoft SQL-Server (MS SQL) 3