Informații principale
Game Designer and Developer
Poziție: Nu este specificat
Start: Îndată ce este posibil
Final: 21 Mar. 2025
Stuttgart, Germania
Metoda de colaborare: Doar proiect
Tarif pe oră: Nu este specificat
Ultima actualizare: 19 Feb. 2025
Descrierea și cerințele proiectului
At the ISH trade fair in mid-March 2025, a new packaging concept will be presented, among other innovations. In the past, heating systems were delivered with excessive packaging, spread across multiple pallets, and at different times from various warehouses.
With our new packaging concept, there is now only one single delivery, consolidating all components and system accessories onto a single pallet. This provides heating professionals with greater planning security, better organization, and significant time savings during boiler installation.
To further inform visitors about the packaging and its components while adding an entertainment factor, we are developing an interactive iPad game. This will encourage engagement and a deeper understanding of the concept.
Main task/activity:
-Complete web and game development, including the design of a game (browser-based & iPad-compatible), Tech Stack: Free choice
-Presentation of Results and Coordination with the Marketing Team
The selection process will be fully in English. Please provide only English documents.