Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 530 freelanceri. pentru categoria JavaScript
Software Developer
After I've graduated the Informal School of IT, I started working on Web Development. The last 2 years I've been expanding my knowledge of Vanilla JavaScript and AngularJS framework by working on...
JavaScript Vanilla, TypeScript, AngularJS 2
Full stack developer
Lucrez de peste 10 ani ca Full stack developer pe Web și backend. Am coordonat echipe de 2-3 developeri și mă pot adapta ușor oricărei cerințe.
Java 10 Spring 6 Angular 3 AngularJS 3 PostgreSQL 5 MongoDB 6 HTML 10 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 10 JavaScript 10 TypeScript 7
Manager IT
Dezvolt site-uri web de mai bine de 1 an, am experienta in java - spring, react - typescript/javascript, python, django, html, css. Sunt determinat sa termin tot ceea ce incep.
Java 2 React (JavaScript library) 1
Front-End Developer
I am a self-taught Front-End Developer and I started my coding path late 2021. Since then, I strengthened my skills in HTML, CSS and Javascript. My goal is to build spectacular experiences that...
HTML5 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1 JavaScript 1
Manager it
My name is Mihai and my activity is focused on development and learning. Information is vital for growing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I continue to develop my skills and interests, doing...
JavaScript 4 Vânzare integrală 4
Research Platform Admin
Dezvolt aplicatii web de 1 an. Sunt Pasionat de creare de magazine online, jocuri, aplicatii mici. Doresc sa imi largesc sfera de cunostinte prin oportunitati in aceasta platforma.
Python 1 JavaScript 1 C++ 1
Website developer
Creez aplicatii web de 5 ani. In trecut am participat la competitii nationale si internationale de algoritmica si dezvoltare web unde am obtinut diferite premii si dinstinctii.
Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL 5
FrontEnd WebDeveloper
Sunt incepator in dezvoltarea aplicatiilor WEB, vreau doar sa prin experienta si sa fac o suma mica de bani din acest lucru, orice job este bine venit! Voi da tot ce pot pentru a finaliza WebSite-ul.
HTML5 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1 PHP 1 JavaScript 1
Ecommerce Specialist, Web Master, Photoshop Artist
Web Master Expertise. User Create a dezcription for a freelancing profile in which to argue how my expertise is found in the subject of wrok as web master knowing photoshop html css and javascript...
Adobe Photoshop 3 HTML5 6 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 6 JavaScript 1 Autodesk AutoCAD 2 SolidWorks 2
SAP Developer
Hard-working person, sociable with a flair for creating elegant solutions in the least amount of time. Working as a developer for about 6 years, working with multiple technologies including...
SAP Fiori 3 SAP ABAP (BC-ABA) 3 JavaScript 6 PHP 6