Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 530 freelanceri. pentru categoria JavaScript
ServiceNow developer
I think that everything in the nature has something from which we, as humans, have to learn and develop. This is why in high school I was inspired by Maths, Physics and Chemistry through which I...
JavaScript 3 HTML 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 IT service management (ITSM) 3
Bună ziua! Sunt un freelancer entuziast și foarte priceput, pasionat să creeze experiențe digitale captivante și să creeze conținut scris atrăgător. Expertiza mea se axează pe web design, design...
HTML5 1 React (JavaScript library) 1 JavaScript 1 Java 1
QA Engineer
I am a quality engineer with more than four years of experience, specialized in SQL, Postman, Soup UI, Python, plus many other applications. - I am experienced in SQL, XML, Json, PostMan, Python,...
SQL 5 Jira 6 PostMan 5 TestRail 5 Soup Ui 5 XML 5 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 5 OpenShift 5
Dezvolt aplicatii web de peste 10 ani (site-uri de prezentare, magazine online, aplicatii introducere in gestiune, etc) Dezvolt jocuri in UE4 Expert in introducerea de date in Excel / baze de date,...
HTML5 15 PHP 15 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 15 JavaScript 5 mySQL 5 Wordpress 5 Magento 5 Administrarea bazelor de date 5 Excel 15
Full-stack developer (Frontend heavy)
I am a Front-End Software Engineer with industry experience building websites and web applications. I specialize in Typescript and have professional experience working with Node.js (with Fastify...
React (JavaScript library) 3 TypeScript 3 Nextjs 1 Node.js 1
Frontend Developer
Hi there, I'm a Junior Frontend developer with a passion for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces. My journey into web development began with a curiosity about how websites work and a...
JavaScript 1 React (JavaScript library) 1
Hello there. I would like to believe that engineering is not a profession but a way of life. Every day I try to build myself over this belief. One of the hardest challenges was to merge old and...
ASP.NET 6 C# 6 .Net Framework (Microsoft) 6 JavaScript 6
Dezvoltator web
Dezvolt aplicatii web de 5 ani, experienta in gestiune si generare documente.
JavaScript: React JS, Angular JS, Nest JS, Express JS 4
Specialist Marketing & Designer Graphic
Sunt Andreea, Digital Marketing Specialist & Graphic Designer. Aceste doua expertize sunt esentiale pentru dezvoltarea si promovarea oricarui brand/ oricarei afaceri. Sunt o persoana calculata, iar...
Photoshop 2 Facebook Ads 4 Adobe Illustrator 2 Copywriter 2 Html 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 JavaScript 3 Marketing 2 Marketing de conținut 2
Experienta în: - colectarea, organizarea, reprezentarea, interpretarea datelor in EXCEL/spreadsheets - lucrul cu aplicațiile din pachetul Office si intrumente google - organizarea, testarea,...
microsoft excel 20 microsoft word 20 HTML5 10 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 5 JavaScript 1 microsoft powerpoint 20 Comunicare 20 Matematică 20