IT service management (ITSM)

Angajează cei mai buni experți freelancer care au experiență și calificare IT service management (ITSM) și care te vor ajuta să implementezi proiectele tale la timp. Externalizați serviciile și alegeți un freelancer cu experiență relevantă.

Rezultatele căutării

Am găsit 31 freelanceri. pentru categoria IT service management (ITSM)

Specialist ITSM (IT Service Management)

Manager rezistent, dinamic, experimentat și dedicat, responsabil să asigure funcțiile de management al proceselor ITIL și livrarea managementului serviciilor, cu un istoric demonstrat de lucru în...

Timisoara, România

ITIL 9 SCRUM 5 IT service management (ITSM) 9 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 9 Project management (IT) 3 Gestionarea incidentelor 5 Service-level-management (SLA) 3

Manager servicii si proiecte IT

With over 11 years in the IT industry, I specialize in overseeing Service Operations and Projects, with a desire to manage both interpersonal dynamics and data-driven analytics. Passionate about...

Timişoara, România

IT service management (ITSM) 10 ITIL 10 Microsoft Office 365 10 Service-level-management (SLA) 8 Analiza datelor 4 Management de proiect - consultanță software 2 Managementul schimbării 8 Leader de proiect / echipă 1 HTML5 1 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 1

Specialist IT

Hello, I'm the best at IT. I've been doing this since I was a little kid and I'm very good at it. I am at your disposal and you can contact me at any time. Quality services at a convenient and...

Peşteana de Jos, România

IT service management (ITSM) 10

Oradea, România

Logistică 3 Transport 2 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 2 IT service management (ITSM) 4

Technicien &Support IT

Profesionist în suportul IT cu peste 5 ani de experiență în rezolvarea problemelor tehnice și oferirea asistenței clienților. Priceput în depanarea software-ului și hardware-ului, instalarea...

Bucureşti 15, România

IT service management (ITSM) 5

Târgu Mureş, România

IT service management (ITSM) 2

Traducator,Manager IT,Experienta in SEO

Traduc orice fel de text,am aptitudini in management si IT si cunostinte de SEO avansate.

Ploiesti , Romania, România

Traducere 5 SEO / SEM 2 Management de birou / secretariat 4 IT service management (ITSM) 2

Program Director, MBA, PMP

A highly enthusiastic Sherpa of IT Project Management, 18+ years professional experience with Carve-In, ITIL/ITSM Process, innovative, customer-oriented with demonstrated success in increasing...

Rueil-Malmaison, Franța

Project management (IT) 18 ITIL 18 IT service management (ITSM) 15 Enterprise project management (EPM) 15 Guvernanță IT 15 MS Project 18 Jira 10 Kanban (development) 15 Carve-In 5 Business Process Reengineering (BPR) 10

Graphic Designer

hi im sanjaya I will make any kind of Graphic Designing's *Photoshop *Illustrator *Corel draw *page Maker *Ms office * English & Sinhala Type Setting So Please hire me +40725293025

Arad, România

IT service management (ITSM) 1

ServiceNow developer

I think that everything in the nature has something from which we, as humans, have to learn and develop. This is why in high school I was inspired by Maths, Physics and Chemistry through which I...

Galati, România

JavaScript 3 HTML 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 IT service management (ITSM) 3